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How To Store Whiskey Like a True Connoisseur (8 Simple Tips)
Connoisseurs of distilled spirits believe that premium whiskey gets better with age. Whether or not that is true, proper whiskey storage is the key to collecting whiskey and maintaining its taste....
Cleaning & Sanitizing Beer Bottles the Right Way! (4 Easy Steps)
Knowing how to clean and sanitize your beer bottles properly is an essential piece of knowledge in every home brewer’s arsenal. Luckily, sterilizing a glass bottle and preparing it for reuse...
Moonshine or "Shine" has long been shrouded in myth and mystery. As a strong type of alcohol that's typically made outside of government regulations, drinking it can seem like a gamble. One rumor...
Did you have a little too much to drink and can't figure out how to recork your wine bottle for later? You're not alone. Slipping the cork back in place is a little harder than it looks but today,...
Wine aerators are one of those tools you've probably heard about, and people have told you that you should get one, but you're not exactly sure how they work or if you really need one. So, what does...
Vodka is an endlessly adaptable and ideally flavorless spirit seemingly made for mixing. The prototype of all upscale vodkas is Grey Goose. But what are the best mixers for Grey Goose...